Fotògraf a Moscow, Moskva, Rússia

February 23rd will soon be...

February 23rd will soon be Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is celebrated in Russia and a number of other countries in honor of all men who serve and defend their homeland.

This holiday has deep historical roots, because it was on February 23, 1918 that the Red Army was created. Since then, Defender of the Fatherland Day has become a symbol of courage, bravery and devotion to his country.

On this day, we express our gratitude to all defenders of the Fatherland – soldiers, officers, military personnel, as well as all men who are ready to become defenders if necessary. We remember all those who gave their lives for their homeland, and we urge you to preserve peace and tranquility in our land.

Congratulations to all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day! May your courage and courage always be with you, and peace and prosperity accompany you on your way. Glory to the defenders of the Motherland!


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