Fotògraf a Moscow, Moskva, Rússia

👨‍💻How to save your eyesight when working with a computer for a long time👨💻

My job is such that I have to sit at the computer monitor for a long time. Personally, I try to preserve my eyesight and I want to share with you a couple of tips on how I do it :)☺️

1. As for the workplace – it should be comfortable. The workplace should not bring discomfort during work and it should be clean, properly organized.👆 It is worth placing the monitor just below eye level – so the eye muscles get tired less, and, of course, we remember the distance. I have it about 70 centimeters.😁

2. Do not forget about breaks and gymnastics for the eyes. Yes, it would seem that we have all heard this repeatedly, but I think it is important. Personally, I leave my workplace about once an hour and let my eyes rest: they brew coffee for themselves and take sweets, do a little gymnasium for the eyes, blink more often.😊🙂

3. Also at my workplace there are special glasses👓 for the computer. They are useful because they absorb various glare from the screen and make the image a little more contrasting, which generally relieves tension from the eyes.😁

4. I would also like to say about eye drops. Often, if I feel dry in my eyes, I use them. It helps for both comfort and vision☺️🙃

This is a small part of what you can do to preserve your eyesight, but I believe it will help you!😁

If you have any tips or ways to preserve vision – share them in the comments! I will read them with pleasure :)😁😊


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