
Fotògrafa a Madrid

54 Seguidors
About me

Monika Santos was born and lives in Madrid. Student of Jean Marc Manson. In 2015 she discovered in photography a way to express his emotions and her inner universe. Monica likes to photograph moments, reflections, shadows, movement, rain, emotions. For her, photography is poetry, it lets us see the beautiful details of everyday life that escape the naked eye. Throughout her evolution as a photographer, the portrait has been occupying an increasingly important place in her life. In 2017 she exhibited at Casa Cantabria. Madrid. In 2018 she exhibited at Amigos de las Artes Plásticas, Quart, Valencia. With her work "It rains in Madrid". Her work is summarized in an exquisite taste for details and beauty.

She is currently developing a series of projects related to portraiture and fine-art.

Since 2006 she has carried out photo retouching workshops with José Mª Mellado and Jean Marc Manson. For several years.

In 2020 she completed the Master of Photographic Retouching at the WorkShop Experience School. Receiving the title of "Expert in Photo Retouching in Advertising and Fashion".

She is currently studying the Master International of wedding photography at Too Many Flash School of Madrid. 
Moda / Books / Direcció de fotografia / Retoc fotogràfic / Retrat / Bodes
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